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Introducing our all-natural sunscreen cream, a luxurious blend of premium ingredients expertly chosen to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Our formula contains

Our rich and nourishing cream features cacao butter, a natural SPF of 4-6, and mango butter, with an SPF of approximately 6. These ingredients provide a nourishing and protective barrier for your skin.

We've also included red raspberry seed oil, a natural SPF of 25-50, and tamanu oil, with an SPF of approximately 18-22. These oils have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can help to soothe and heal your skin from sunburn.

In addition, our sunscreen cream contains chaga mushroom, which is rich in antioxidants that help to neutralize free radicals and protect against sun damage. Finally, we've added zinc oxide, a natural SPF of approximately 20-30, to provide broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Indulge in the ultimate sun protection experience with our all-natural sunscreen cream, free from harmful chemicals and artificial fragrances. Our formula is gentle yet effective, suitable for all skin types, and perfect for those seeking a natural and eco-friendly alternative to traditional sunscreens. Say hello to healthy, radiant skin all summer long! 

Melanin plays a crucial role in the tanning process and provides several benefits for our skin. When exposed to UV radiation from the sun, our body produces melanin as a protective mechanism. Here's why melanin is important for tanning:

1. Sun Protection: Melanin acts as a natural shield against harmful UV rays. It absorbs UV radiation and disperses it as heat, reducing its damaging effects on the skin. This helps to prevent sunburn and minimize the risk of skin damage caused by excessive sun exposure.

2. Pigmentation: Melanin determines the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. When exposed to sunlight, melanocytes (specialized cells in the skin) produce more melanin, resulting in a darker complexion. This increased pigmentation provides a degree of natural protection against UV radiation, as darker skin has more melanin and therefore absorbs and scatters UV rays more effectively.

3. Sunburn Prevention: Melanin helps to prevent sunburn by absorbing UV radiation before it reaches deeper layers of the skin. Sunburn occurs when the skin is exposed to excessive UV radiation, leading to redness, pain, and potential long-term damage. Melanin helps to mitigate these risks by reducing the amount of UV radiation that reaches sensitive skin layers.

4. DNA Protection: UV radiation can cause damage to the DNA within skin cells, leading to potential mutations and an increased risk of skin cancer. Melanin provides some degree of protection by absorbing and neutralizing UV radiation, reducing its ability to damage DNA and helping to maintain the integrity of skin cells.

Overall, melanin is essential for tanning as it provides natural protection against harmful UV radiation, helps to prevent sunburn, and plays a role in maintaining the health and integrity of our skin.

SPF 25 100% natural non-toxic sun screen 60ml

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